Sunday, July 24, 2011

Five Hundred Years Later and the Mona Lisa is still some...

The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous pieces of art since its creation almost 500 years ago. So I’ve wondered, is it the style of the painting or the mystery of the woman herself that has kept audiences intrigued?
Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa currently resides in its permanent home at the Louvre (Musée du Louvre) in Paris, France. It was at the Louvre three years ago, when I encountered this timeless piece. My first reaction was- where is it? Then I saw the crowd in the center of the large gallery, hovering over the unseen piece. Right away I knew it was Di Vinci’s masterpiece.
Said to be a self portrait of Leonardo Di Vinci
It was beautiful yes, but unexpectedly small. Isn’t art supposed to be great in talent and in size? The Mona Lisa measures 30 by 21 inches. That’s about two and a half feet tall and almost two feet wide, about the size of a portrait. A short distance away, Jupiter Striking Down the Vices, hangs high above heads of visitors yet the Mona Lisa keeps their attention.
Jupiter Striking Down the Vices

Critiques have contributed the fame of the portrait to the mystery of the woman, thought to be the wife of Francisco del Giocondo, who commissioned Di Vinci for the portrait approximately 1505. The gaze of the mysterious subject is striking, as well as her curious smile. However, the fame of the piece goes beyond the woman and into the technique itself. The three quarter pose of the subject was revolutionary. To us, we find it normal for a subject to sit in such a pose but 500 hundred years ago, the portrait style of the 16th century was not only stiff in character, but profile stance. Today, this revolutionary pose is the default (defacto) for portrait painting.

Another unique trait of the Mona Lisa, unseen until its creation, was the use of “pyramidal composition.” Mona Lisa sits with her hands folded, forming the bottom of the pyramid as her elbows extend out, giving the portrait its shape, then up to her face, the top of the pyramid. Portraits before were heavy and full length, not allowing the eye to connect with one focal point.
Like other artists during the Renaissance period, Leonardo Di Vinci used a more realist style to bring his 2D subject to life. He used a brand new technique called “sfumato” that was coined by the artist meaning “blending”. Di Vinci created a shadowing effect in the hair and neckline of Mona Lisa, as well as the landscape, to give depth and a more realistic look.

Di Vinci was one of the most celebrated artists of the Renaissance and is still celebrated today. The Mona Lisa remains timeless because of the revolutionary skills used in its making as well as the frozen smile that keeps audiences hundreds of years later wondering what she was thinking.

It has been reproduced by artists, advertisers, as well as mockers. However, the Mona Lisa continues to be the subject of debate and the celebration of talent. Although I did not meet her distinctive gaze, I admire art and the fame of the Mona Lisa. I’ve learned that great art can come in small sizes.

An example of pop culture art, inspired by the Mona Lisa
Below is a FANTASTIC video discussing the Mona Lisa and the techniques Di Vinci used to revolutionize art.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nursery Rhyme and Question of Faith- The Results of the Black Death

“Ring around the rosy
Pocket full of posies,
‘Ashes, ashes’

As a child I used to hand holds with friends, dancing in a circle until we were too dizzy to continue. We would sing along to a nursery rhyme that had no meaning, attractive because of its sing song tune. As an adult I was shocked to find that what I thought was simple rhyme, was actually a reference to one of the darkest times in history.

I’ve always had a fascination with history, especially epidemics such as the Black Death. Within three years, social structures, populations and economies had been altered. What amazed me the most is the severe disconnection that was caused between the people and the church.

In my lifetime the most severe disease spread was swine flu my freshmen year of college. Severe flu symptoms and hospitalization scared me enough to stay out of contact with any possible carriers. Once I heard that two residents in my dorm of 800+ students had been officially diagnosed, I contemplated becoming a hermit in my sterilized room. Of course, with modern technology and knowledge, with two sprays up each nostril I was off again to class, uninfected by the possible illness. Looking back, it’s difficult to imagine that within one week, your friends had succumbed to the plague. I was anxious when another resident that I had no contact with was ill yet hundreds of years ago, families had to fight to stay healthy when another member of the household began to show symptoms. But what if of all your neighbors were showing signs of the illness yet your family is still uninfected. What would you do? Some packed up and left in search of an isolated area; others shut themselves in, praying that God would rescue them. Entire villages were wiped out because the disease had spread from home to home, taking young and old.

God was the answer. When illness struck, the church was the doctor and prayer was the medicine. But what happened when prayers weren’t answered and sickness continued to spread? During an epidemic like the Black Death, I’ve always been curious of the effect it had on the church and faith itself.

In a world without technology or modern medicine, health was within the hands of God. This disease could spread through the air and across the water. Originating in an Asian desert and then spreading to the busy trade routes of China, the Black Plague even reached the shores of Iceland. No one suspected the carriers to be rats and fleas because these were all too common in the 14th century. To an unknowing and faithful mind, the Black Death could be the second flood; pestilence the new water.  Once a victim showed signs of the plague, the expectancy of life was about a week. One week to find a cure that did not exist but was attempted through bloodletting, lancing of boils, and bland diets. God was the only hope after.
A physician during the plague.
(I've always been quite frightened of this image-
thank goodness doctors don't wear those masks anymore.)
The church had always had the answers however they could offer no reason for the disease. This caused disloyalty and tested beliefs. Even the clergy could fall victim to the rosy rashes. Many monasteries fell ill and passed from the plague. Still in need of power, authority, and money, the church put the blame on the most historical scapegoats, the Jews. Because of their lower mortality rate, the Jewish population was blamed for poisoning the water in order to destroy Christendom. However, it was only the blessing of cleanliness that kept Jewish populations alive not the hatred of God.

Today we know what caused the plague but during a time period that questioning against the church was prohibited it’s difficult to imagine another solution other than a vengeful God. The plague was devastating to population size as well as individual beliefs. Many questioned God and the church’s teachings because the presence that had been taught for so long had been absent during a time of most need.

The nursery rhyme I twirled to as a child now makes me shiver at the thought. Today children play and sing along, unaware that a child lay lifeless because the plague had consumed his body before God had a chance to save him. If I lived during the time of the Black Death and witnessed the horror that was every day, I too would question my faith.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The African King and Malcolm X- Protectors of their people and worshipers of Allah

Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors. Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places you from which they drive you.
-The Qu’ran
During the 1960’s, aggression ran through the blood and hatred flowed through the words of many Americans, both black and white. Malcolm Little’s story began like many, a broken family creating a life of trouble that led him to conviction. It was in prison that Malcolm found faith in the teaching of the Nation of Islam (NOI). The practice appealed to Malcolm and when he was released, he met with Elijah Muhammad and eventually become one of the most influential leaders of the NOI.
Malcolm X
Starring Denzel Washington
Directed by Spike Lee
The Autobiography of Malcolm X was turned into a feature film by director Spike Lee in 1992. Starring Denzel Washington as Malcolm X, the film won numerous awards and was nominated for two Academy Awards. Spike Lee and Arnold Perl adapted the screenplay from The Autobiography of Malcolm X written by Malcolm X and Alex Haley, completed in 1965.

The film has fascinated me because of the changing life of Malcolm X and the influence he had on Americans and the Islamic faith.        

How did one man lead so many Americans to find faith in Islam during one of the most violent times in American history? The simple answer is faith itself. Although Al-Bakri’s story of the African king who converted to Islam was written a thousand years ago, the theme of the story still exists in films such as Malcolm X. In the story, the king’s country is affected by drought every year. The inhabitants pray for rain and sacrifice cattle, hoping for relief. Muslim guest arrives, practicing the traditions of the Sunni. The guest tells the king he must believe in Allah and testify that He is the One and acknowledge Muhammad as His prophet. If he does so, the king will be delivered under Allah’s mercy. The king converted to Islam that Friday and at dawn, “God caused abundant rain to descend upon them.”

So how are the teachings of Islam seen a thousand years later through the lens? The African king was one of the first Africans to convert to Islam, leading Africa to become one of the largest Muslim populations a thousand years later. Throughout history trade routes had been established through Timbuktu, mosques erected in Kilwa, and the spread of Islam continued to other corners of the continent and the world.  In the film Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam gained popularity with African Americans because it believed America was not their home. In a time of struggle such as the civil rights movements, black was not the color of America. Like the story of the African king, the NOI came as the Muslim messenger, promising mercy from Allah during a time of distress.

African Americans had been attacked for hundreds of years and Allah was giving them the power to fight back. Malcolm X used the teachings that had been taught to African men a thousand years before to fight for his people against the “white devils” in 1960s America. As he famously said in a public address, “we didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, the rock landed on us.”

However, aggression became the main teaching of the NOI and Allah’s true message was distant. In the film, Malcolm X sees the corruption among the NOI and struggles with his true path in Islam. Following the pillars, he makes his pilgrimage to Mecca. In Mecca, Malcolm finds completion between himself and Allah. As he writes to his wife Betty, he explains that there are no colors, no races, only one God and one humanity. He now sees that racism will lead to disaster.
Malcolm X during his hajj
Upon his return, Malcolm used the words of the Qur’an, not the interpretations of the NOI, to find resolution during the civil rights movement and to teach that being African did not mean that one could not be American. He wanted equality for all, not hate for the few.

A thousand years after Allah’s name was first chanted in prayer throughout Africa, Malcolm X awakened the spirit of Islam in Americans. No one could have imagined that a troubled man from Omaha had the potential to become one of the most famous public figures during the civil rights movement, and later a Muslim martyr. Spike Lee’s Malcolm X has always been one of my favorite films because of its historical accuracy as well as religious context. Within three hours, a man experiences the joys of life, the power of faith, and the tragedy of death.
Malcolm X during a prayer in Mecca